For critical reception of “Art or Bunk?” go here.
For “Can We Understand Animal Minds?” go here.
A selection of online conference and workshop papers is available here or follow the links from the published items below.
Portraits of Wittgenstein: Abridged Edition (Editor with F.A. Flowers III), Bloomsbury Academic (2018)
Portraits of Wittgenstein (Editor with F.A. Flowers III), Bloomsbury Academic (2015)
Philosophy for Nursing, Edwin Arnold (1996) co-written with Jan Reed.
Can We Understand Animal Minds? Duckworth (1994) co-written with Michael Bavidge.
Business Matters Infonet Publications Ltd (1993) co-written with Judith Hughes
Art or Bunk?, Bristol Classical Press (1989).
Lifelong Learning
People Or Profit: Social Inclusion Versus Vocational Relevance: Proceedings By Raymond A Thomson, Archibald M Fleming, Ian Ground, UACE, (2001
Lifelong Learning, Equity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the UACE Conference (Cambridge, England, March 29-31, 1999). (editor)
Books in Translation
¿Arte o Chorrada? University of Valencia Press (2008) Colección: Estecia & Critica. translated by Salvador Rubio Marco with an introduction to the new edition.
考える看護: ナースのための哲学入門 co-written with Jan Reed, translated by Minoru Harashida
Black Bottles, Beetles and Beasts, in Helliwell, Alice C., Alessandro Rossi, and Brian Ball. 2024. Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence, Volume I: Mind and Language: 1. Anthem Press.
Finding Our Way Home: The Philosophy of the Tractatus. In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Odyssey: The Great War and the Writing of the Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus. Edited by Radmila Schweitzer. Translated by Marjorie Perloff and Sebastian Smallshaw. Los Angeles: DoppelHouse Press, 2023.
Ethology and Ethical Change – in Cora Diamond on Ethics (co-authored with Michael Bavidge) – Edited by Maria Balaska, 2021
Cosi Fan Tutte and the Lease of Voice – in Hagberg, Garry L. Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding. 1 edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
‘Minding Animals’, in Ian James Kidd & Liz McKinnell (eds.) Science and the Self: Animals, Evolution, and Ethics: Essays in Honour of Mary Midgley. [Online]. New York: Routledge, 2016
Do Animals Need a Theory of Mind? co-written with Michael Bavidge, in Against Theory of Mind (Palgrave Macmillan), editors Alan Costall and Ivan Leudar, 2009.
Must We Mean What We Play?, Creative Chords: Studies in Music, Theology and Christian Formation By Jeff Astley, Timothy Hone, Mark Savage, Gracewing Publishing (2000)
You may need a jstor or athens or password to access the text of published articles and reviews. Conference and workshop papers are available in pdf format by clicking on the link.
The shape of lives to come. Experimental Gerontology. 11721–24., 2019
The relentless honesty of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Times Literary Supplement, October, 2017
Manifest in Behaviour – Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth International Wittgenstein Symposium, August, 2015.
The Play of Expression – Understanding Ontogenetic Ritualization – Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International Wittgenstein Symposium, August, 2013.
Reflections al Voltant de l’Art Contemporani with an introduction in Catalan and Spanish translation by Salvador Rubio Marco Quaderns de filosofia i ciència, 38, 2008, pp. 79-86 –
Why Aesthetics Matters English version of above
Love on a Train Philosophical Writings,1997
Orientations Philosophical Writings,1997
What You Do Is Determined by What you Do Health Care Analysis Volume 3 Number 1 February, 1995
If it speaks like a duck… Argument, Vol. 1 1989
The Lion’s Share – The Philosopher, October, 1983 co-written with Michael Bavidge.
Wittgenstein, Art and Silence Proceedings of the Eighth International Wittgenstein Symposium, Part 1 1983
Lifelong Learning
A Matter of Priorities NIACE Adult Learning, May 2009
Mainstreaming LAE: has it widened participation? co-written with Leni Oglesby and Faith Butt UAce Annual Conference 1999: Lifelong Learning, Equity and Inclusion, 29-31 March 1999, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Death Becomes Them – Playing Possum – How animals understand death Susana Monso Princeton University Press. Times Literary Supplement (19th December, 2024)
Complex But Stupid IF NIETZSCHE WERE A NARWHAL What animal intelligence reveals about human stupidity: Justin Gregg Times Literary Supplement, (14th March, 2024)
I Fell Apart Private Notebooks 1914-1916 Ludwig Wittgenstein
Edited And Translated By Marjorie Perloff Times Literary Supplement, (10th June, 2022)
Pet Theories FELINE PHILOSOPHY Cats and the meaning of life 128pp. Allen Lane. John Gray Times Literary Supplement, (15 January, 2021)
‘I’s before ‘E’s: A post-representationalist account of experience: 4E Cognition. THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF 4E COGNITION
960pp. Oxford University Press. Albert Newen, Leon de Bruin and Shaun Gallagher, editors Times Literary Supplement, (20 March, 2020)
‘Mind in Motion’ Review: No Ideas but in Things, Tversky, B. (2019) Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought. New York: Basic Books. The Wall Street Journal (paywall), (16th April, 2019)
THE SELECTED WRITINGS OF MAURICE O’CONNOR DRURY On Wittgenstein, philosophy, religion and psychiatry John Hayes, editor. Times Literary Supplement, (24 April, 2018)
Stupendous Intelligence of Honey Badgers: Frans de Waal, Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are? Times Literary Supplement, (24 May, 2017).
Thomas D. Carroll, Wittgenstein Within the Philosophy of Religion. Philosophical Investigations 40, no. 1 (2017): 89–92,
In the Cry of the Beholder“. Gretchen E. Henderson, Ugliness A Cultural History, Karl Rosenkranz, Aesthetics Of Ugliness A Critical Edition, Beauty, Ugliness And The Free Play Of Imagination An Approach To Kant’S Aesthetics. Times Literary Supplement, (01 July 2016, Cover Feature).
Audio discussion by Tim Crane. Stig Abell, Thea Lendaduzzi
“Graffiti and Disgust“: The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics, Times Literary Supplement, (03 April 2015).
“Beauty as a Form of Love” – A History of Modern Aesthetics – Paul Guyer, Times Literary Supplement, (17 April, 2015).
“No Accident”: What Art Is – Arthur Danto, Times Literary Supplement, October, 2013.
“Shift for Ourselves” : Wittgenstein’s Metaphilosophy – Paul Horwich, Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind – Jonathan Ellis and Daniel Guevara (eds.) Times Literary Supplement, June, 2013
Marvelous Images – On Values and the Arts – Kendall Walton, Philosophy (2009), 84 : pp 458-463
The Measure of Things – Humanism Humility and Mystery – David E. Cooper, Philosophy Volume 83, Issue 03, July 2008, pp 399-403
Aesthetic Life -The Past and Present of Artistic Culture – Harry Redner. British Journal of Aesthetics, January 2008; 48: 107 – 110.
Aesthetics and Photography – Jonathan Friday. October 2005; 45: 448 – 450.
Environment and the Arts: Perspectives on Environmental Aesthetics – Arnold Berleant (Editor), British Journal of Aesthetics, Jul 2004; 44: 311 – 313.
“The British Art Show”, RAFT, 1996. The Ethics and Politics of Human Experimentation, Paul M. McNeill, Health Care Analysis, Volume 2, Number 2 / June, 1994
Philosophy in Britain Today, S.G. Shankar, Ethics
The Quality of Life, edited by Martha Nussbaum & Amartya Sen, Health Care Analysis Volume 1, Number 2 / November, 1993
Bioethics in a Liberal Society, Max Charlesworth, Health Care Analysis Volume 3, Number 1 / February, 1995
Lifelong Learning
Electronic Pathways – adult learning and the new communication technologies, Jane Field (Editor)
International Journal of Lifelong Education, Volume 17, Issue 5 September 1998, pp 352 – 355
Keynote, Invited Lectures and Debates
The Superlative of the Serious.Wartime Quartet: Significance, Legacy, St Aidan’s College, University of Durham, UKSpirit 7th-9th June 2023
Black Bottles, Beetles and Beasts, Wittgenstein and AI, New College of the Humanities, 29-31st July, 2022
Black Bottles, Beetles and Beasts, Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence: Towards an update, Skjolden Hotel, Skjolden, June 1-3 2022
Mary Midgley: Style and Substance. Launch of the Midgley Archives, Durham. November 12th, 2018
Taking the Moral Seriously: The Philosophy of Mary Midgley, Royal Institute of Philosophy, November 9th, 2018
Ensonification: Reflections, Welsh Philosophical Society, May, 2018.
Expressive Enactions: Wittgenstein and Animal Minds, April, 2018. University of Antwerp.
The Young Wittgenstein, Royal Institute of Philosophy
The Shape of Lives to Come: Modulating Ageing Antiageing from Molecular Biology to Clinical Perspectives: Ethics Panel Member, Halle, September, 2017
Cambridge Union Debate: “This House Fears the Coming of the Immortal Generation”, May, 2017
Women in Parenthesis: Anscombe, Midgley, Murdoch and Foot, Durham, March, 2017. Panel Member
Antimony of Representations, Cambridge, January, 2017
Minding Animals. Institute of Education, November, 2016
Understanding Others, University of Bergen, September, 2016
Are Life Spans Long Enough? Intelligence Squared US Debater, New York, February, 2016
Talking about Wittgenstein (with Dan Kaufman), July, 2015
Why Wittgenstein Matters Royal Institute of Philosophy, York, 2015
Why Wittgenstein Matters Royal Institute of Philosophy, Oxford, 2015
The Play of Expression – Understanding Ontogenetic Ritualization – Invited Speaker, International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, Austria, August, 2013.
Listen to the Lion: Wittgenstein and Animal Minds. 10th British Wittgenstein Society Lecture, May, 2013
Why Does Beauty Matter? – Keynote Lecture. The International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture’s (ISPA) Conference 2012, Newcastle University, July 2012.
The Aesthetics of Avison, The Charles Avison Tercentenary Celebrations, July, 2009
The Kitsch, the Chic, the Naff and the “Naice”, Joseph Cowen Lecture, Bedson Building, Newcastle University Campus, 30th March, 2009
The RAW Truth: The Aesthetics of Photography, Hatton Gallery Christmas Lecture, December, 2008
Do Animals Need a Theory of Mind?. Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Central Lancashire, November, 2008
Must Art be Made?, Phronesis Analytic Philosophy Group, University of Valencia, June, 2008
Must We Mean What We Play?, Goldsmiths College of Music. May, 2002
How to Fail at Art; British Society of Aesthetics Conference, Oxford, September, 1998
Bad Ends, Open University Summer School, August 1995
Ethics and Aesthetics, Open University Summer School, August 1996
The Ethics of Health Care Resource Allocation, Common Purpose, Newcastle, June, 1995
Lifelong Learning
Engage! – A New Model for Engagement and Dissemination of Research: Postgraduate Conference – Postcolonial Studies in the Public Sphere, Newcastle University, May, 2013
The Explore membership scheme – a new model of university lifelong learning for the post-Browne era?, Birkbeck Institute for Lifelong Learning, May, 2011
Explore – Learning for learners and for the love of learning: a gym for the mind Part time Study in Higher Education National Conference London, Oct 2010
Selected Conference Presentations
Black Bottles, Beetles and Beasts, Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence:
Wittgenstein, Signs and Animal Minds, Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations, University of Tartu, Estonia, April, 2011
The Aesthetics of Avison, Sunderland University Culture Beacon Group Conference ‘Identity & Community’, May, 2010
Must Art be Made?, British Society of Aesthetics Conference, Oxford, September, 2000
Relate, Counselling for the Data-Challenged, UACE Administrator’s Conference, Madingley Hall, Cambridge, April, 1998
The Kitsch, the Chic, the Naff and ‘Naice’, British Society of Aesthetics Regional Workshop, Lancaster, June, 1997
Management and the Moral Point of View, Business Ethics Conference, Sheffield, 1994
Must We Mean What We Play? , Church of England Conference on Music and Religion, Durham, 1994
Wittgenstein, Art and Silence, Eighth International Wittgenstein Symposium, Vienna, 1983
Lifelong Learning
Engage! – A New Model for Engagement and Dissemination of Research: – UALL Annual Conference, University of Durham, March 2013
Explore: Futures, Higher education for the Social Good? The Place of Lifelong Learning, UALL Annual Conference, University of Cambridge, March 2012
learning: Andragogy and the Democratization of Data, co-written with Philippa Freegard, UAcE Conference, March, 2003, Using CE Mailbase and the Web, UACE Administrator’s Conference, Edinburgh, April, 1997
Commissioned Reports
A Report on the Gosforth Community Education Centre
Barriers to Learning Survey, 2003
Correspondence in the National Press
Magazine Interviews
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