I was born in London and made my home in and near Newcastle upon Tyne. I gained a First Class degree in Philosophy and English Literature at Newcastle University before carrying out research in philosophical aesthetics at Durham University. I earned my doctorate in philosophy (by existing published work) in 2011.
I have worked as a Tutor and Lecturer in philosophy at a number of institutions in the North East of England, writing philosophy and teaching a wide variety of courses. I was a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sunderland and taught Philosophy at Newcastle University where I was also worked with artists on the Master of Fine Art programme. I am currently Visiting Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire and Vice-President of the British Wittgenstein Society.
The guiding themes of my career to date have been my belief in the value of adult education, in philosophy and in the idea that computers should work for us, rather than the reverse.
I work also work as an IT professional with my company Dataweb Solutions.
You can, if you wish, find out more about my passions and interests here.